The great green machine is revving up. Above is the zucchini patch as of mid-June, a couple of weeks ago, and again as it is today. This is a row of three plants, rather close together. In the top photo you can see the lid of the sunken, plugged flower pot that serves as an irrigation reservoir. There is one next to each plant.
Planting History:
Variety: Green Racer zucchini
Source: Whole Foods (Sweetwater Nursery) seedlings
Seedlings planted out: May 10, 2009
First harvest: June 14, 2009
1. Heat up a thin layer of good olive oil in a favorite soup pot.
2. Smash four or five cloves of peeled garlic, stir them around in the oil to infuse the flavor.
3. Saute chopped onion and celery -- enough to make a half inch layer on the bottom of the pot.
4. Add peeled, chopped carrots and potatoes -- as many as you feel like and have on hand. This batch has four big carrots and a couple of medium new red potatoes.
5. Stir it all around until coated with oil. Put lid on and let mixture soften up a bit.
6. Cover with vegetable broth -- homemade mushroom broth can't be beat. Let simmer to soften up the carrots and potatoes some more.
7. Add as much chopped zucchini as you can cram into the pot, along with any other greens you have around. This batch used the whole bag of zucchini -- about 10 lovelies of various sizes. It also includes the last few volunteer kale plants from a corner of the yard. This is the point to add any quicker cooking veggies you have on hand. Some chopped parsley is nice.
8. Add some cooked beans if you have them -- garbanzo or small white beans are great -- for extra heft and nutrition.
9. Simmer until everything is soft.
10. Put in the fridge to cool. It makes blending easier. If you have hungry people hanging around, go ahead and blend right away.
11. Eat some now.